- 3rd
Ars Baltica Triennial
- of
Photographic Art

- April
12th - June 1st 2003
in the exhibition: Knut Asdam (N), Bigert & Bergström (S), Agnies-
- zka
Brzezanska (PL), Aristarkh Chernyshev (RU), Oskar Dawicki (PL),
- Miklos
Gal (FIN), Ilkka Halso (FIN), Isabell Heimerdinger (D), Elsebeth Jor-
- gensen
(DK), Anne Szefer Karlsen (N), Eve Kask (EE), Joachim Koester
- (DK),
Tatyana Liberman (RU), Wiebke Loeper (D), Wolfgang Ploeger (D),
- Arturas
Raila (LT), Gatis Rozenfelds (LV), Johanna Rylander (S), Jari
- Silomaeki
(FIN), Florian Slotawa (D), Irma Stanaityte (LT)
team: Dorothee Bienert, Berlin; Lars Grambye, Copenhagen;
- Lolita
Jablonskiene, Vilnius
Ars Baltica is a forum for the cross-border cultural exchange
- in
the Baltic area. Working with the question and title »What is Important?«,
- the
curatorial team of the 3rd Ars Baltic Triennial of Photographic Art aims
- to
deepen the critical dialogue on art and photography between artists,
- curators
and institutions in the region.
structural content of the project begins by looking at what is import-
- ant
today for Baltic artists who use the photographic medium. Etymologi-
- cally,
»important« is that which is valuable enough to be »brought
in«, in
- other
words, that which the individual or a community searches out and
- selects
for itself.
is Important? Is not a thematic exhibition, but the works chosen do
- relate
a certain artistic attitude. While many artists were concerned with
- establishing
photography as art in the 90s, today, art with photography
- is
one of many artistic strategies. Artists avoid the single representative
- image
or play with it, include the performative and the narrative in their
- work,
and produce image kaleidoscopes or complexes. Photography is
- not
singled out as a specific medium, but is used by the artist, as others
- use
it. In other words, formal issues are less important than the artist's
- attempt
to extract segments of reality, import and appropriate them, and
- communicate
these to others.
enough, the artists in this exhibition combine an interest in
- the
apparently unimportant and the desire to evoke important narratives.
- The
most different forms of narrative in today's Baltic photographic art
- are
established around the following points of crystallization. On the one
- hand,
there are the stories that deal with the self, or where the public
- colliding
with the private becomes an issue, and in which subjective ex-
- perience
and playful narratives replace the focus on the body typical of
- the
80s and 90s. On the other hand are the stories in which locations
- around
and beyond the self are a central issue, and where the subjec-
- tive
importance of places supersedes the detached viewpoint on sites,
- characteristic
of the early 90s. Concentrating on the local, the private,
- and
the personal point of view, the artists attribute particular importance
- to
individual territories, not yet absorbed globally or medially.
A catalogue with 160 pages and approx. 150 illustrations is
- being
published, available at a price of Euro 17,50. The publication will
- appear
in English and is conceived as a discussion forum on art and
- photography
in the Baltic region, and is therefore designed as ring-book
- that
can be added to or altered during the exhibition tour. The catalogue
- encloses
text contributions by the artists and curators as well as by
- Ekaterina
Degot, Helena Demakova, Lukasz Gorczyca, Jonas Ekeberg,
- Anders
Härm & Hanno Soans, Mika Hannula, Lars Bang Larsen, John
- Peter
Nilsson, Jonas Valatkevicius and Jan Verwoert.
- June
22nd - July 27 2003
- Mecklenburgisches
- Schloss
Plüschow, BRD
- Bergen
- Vilnius
- Riga
- Tallinn
- Pori
further information please contact
Baltica Berlin Office
- Dorothee
- Freiligrathstr.
- D-10967
- phone/fax:
030-694 25 05
- e-mail:
- Wolfgang
- phone
- fax:
- e-mail: